My "quest for success" is probably not that much different from anyone else's, but as I look back on almost a half century of doing what I really love for a living, I'm reminded of the fact that it hasn't always been a "cake walk..." (actually, far from it!)
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy what I do, and continue to enjoy it. It's just that over a period of time there have been quite a few "bumps" in the road and obstacles that needed to be hurdled in order to get to where I am today. Some of those obstacles were due to circumstances beyond my control, but truth be told, a good majority of them were "self inflicted."
Now if you're wondering if I had an opportunity to do it all over again, would I be wiling to??? Well, the answer is a resounding ... YES! ... The reason why I feel that way is because knowing what I know now is vastly different from what I didn't know back then... which in my opinion, has made me a much better person and a far more responsible human being.
That said, click on the link below and enjoy the journey...
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"St. Jude Children's Research Hospital."
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